Enjoy a free preview of my debut novel, "Start of the Storm"!

End of a Journey, Beginning of a Dream

Well, I finally did it.

Twelve years ago when I was in college, I discovered that I liked to write and I was actually quite good at it. Unbeknownst to me, it was a skill I'd been honing since I'd first begun to read. Stories captivated me. I immersed myself in them as often as possible, and all of that reading slowly taught me how to write. Every author I ever read acted as mentor and teacher. And once I discovered that I was good at writing, I promised myself I would write a novel before I turned thirty years old.

I started several over the next couple years, but they never amounted to anything. Then life got in the way and writing got pushed to the side. My writing drought lasted four years, and truthfully, I forgot all about that youthfully naive promise I'd made.

Then, early in 2015, my youngest brother, Nicholas, self-published the book he'd written. And it was good! (You can find it here!) I like to think that I helped him get his start in writing by encouraging his natural storytelling talents at a young age. However, now it was he who was inspiring me. Seeing him work so hard and persevere to achieve his dream brought back thoughts of my own.

And so Start of a Storm was born.

I wrote like a man possessed and completed the full manuscript in ten months - two years before my thirtieth birthday. But once again I let life get in the way and the editing, polishing, and publishing took far longer than it should have. I had a lot of fear and anxiety about putting my work out there: If I never put it out there, it could never fail.

But my girlfriend Emily, the love of my life, would not let me hide behind my fear. Since entering my life she has loved me, supported me, and encouraged me. And I finally did it. My book is finally out there for people to read, and I can't wait until they do. The proposition of being so vulnerable to perfect strangers is still terrifying, but it's exciting at the same time. So, please! Read my book and let me know what you think!


  1. This is David's mom! Congratulations!! I read your blogs backwards, and thought I would comment here. I'm so happy for you, and you can be proud that you have taken this step! More to come -- I know it!!


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